Viscofan BioEngineering


A Quantitative Analysis of Microcirculation in Skin Defects Covered with Topical Wound Dressings or a Newly Developed Collagen Matrix. .

Biomechanical Skin Property Evaluation for Wounds Treated With Synthetic and Biosynthetic Wound Dressings and a Newly Developed Collagen Matrix During Healing of Superficial Skin Defects in a Rat Models.

Characterization and assessment of new fibrillar collagen inks and bioinks for 3D printing and bioprinting.

Collagen cell carriers seeded with human urothelial cells for urethral reconstructive surgery: first results in a xenograft minipig model. . .

Evaluation of commonly used temporary skin dressings and a newly developed collagen matrix for treatment of superficial wounds.

Preclinical Evaluation of the Safety and Immunological Action of Allogeneic ADSC-Collagen Scaffolds in the Treatment of Chronic Ischemic Cardiomyopathy.

Urethroplasty performed with an autologous urothelium-vegetated collagen fleece to treat urethral stricture in the minipig model.

Wound Healing Modulation through the Local Application of Powder Collagen-Derived Treatments in an Excisional Cutaneous Murine Model.